Tag: Kevin Casey

Kevin Casey RIP


Former Kerry Ladies PRO Kevin Casey has passed away after a short illness. Kevin served as PRO in the 2007/2008 season and his drive and energy were instrumental in ensuring a positive media profile for the Kerry ladies at all levels.

Kevin started working for WLR FM 10 years ago and was promoted to Sports editor in a short period of time having previously worked for Radio Kerry. Originally from Glenflesk, Kevin is survived by his wife Marguerite, the couple’s three young sons Paul, Mark and James, his parents Paddy and Mary, sisters Marie and Majella and his brother Martin.

His family has thanked his medical team and said they were particularly grateful to his oncology unit, oncology liason nurses and home care team.

Kevin has been honoured many times for his work in sport with WLR FM, winning a GAA MacNamee award in 2010 for his programme which celebrated the jubilee of Waterford’s All Ireland win in 1959.

Last year he won another MacNamee award for his interview with Waterford hurler Maurice Shanahan where Maurice gave an open and honest account of his struggle with depression. Last October he won a prestigious PPI National Radio Award for the same programme. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

Picture credit WLR FM.