John Mitchels Claim Rhyno Quality Feeds Div 3 title

John Mitchels Div 3 Capt

Congratulations to John Mitchel’s who were crowned Rhyno Quality Feeds Div 3 champions on Friday 24th April, after a ding dong battle against Causeway. When the sides met earlier in the rounds, Causeway had a comfortable win against the Tralee side, but knew going into this game, it was going to be  a different story.  John Mitchel’s dominated the early proceedings & from the throw in attacked the Causeway goals, resulting in a wide.  However they got the first score of the game a minute later through Shauna Hannafin. Despite having the lions share possession they found scores had to come by, as a result of stout defending by Causeway & also some errant shooting, however after 10 mins they found themselves 0-4 ahead, with 3 from Cliodhna Hayes.  Causeway after 13 mins got themselves on the scoreboard through Patrice Diggins, who was one of the star performers in the game.  Cliodhna Hayes & Patrice Diggins traded 2 scores each again, while Causeway keeper Michelle O’Carroll made a great save from Cliodhna Hayes, who was causing a lot of damage. Elaine Ryall for Causeway added a point for her side while Natasha O’Sullivan & Cliodhna Hayes closed out the scoring for the first half for the Mitchel’s to leave it Causeway 0-04 John Mitchel’s 0-07. The second half started with a score from Carron O’Brien John Mitchel’s full forward, but Causeway mainly through Elaine Ryall & Patrice Diggins took the game by the scruff of the neck & added a point each to rein the Tralee side. Causeway tightened up considerably at the back & held the primary score getter in the first half Cliodhna Hayes scoreless in the second. However Carron O’Brien assumed that mantle & added 2 more to keep her side ahead. Eimear O’Mahony sub introduced for Causeway mid way through the half marker her introduction with a point, to leave 3 between the sides. Mitchel’s pulled ahead again through a substitute of their own Erris O’Carroll getting on the scoreboard. The tempo & the ferocity of the game rose considerably in the last 10 mins as Causeway were battling to get the goal they needed while John Mitchel’s were throwing everything they had into defence. Causeway were rewarded with the goal, in the 28th minute from Michelle O’Regan, to leave just 1 between the sides. The next kick out was vital & John Mitchel’s brought forward their half forwards to help win possession. Keeper Andrea O’Connor picked out one of her own, players who brought the ball forward, but shortly after the referee blew the whistle. Ger Maunsell Rhyno Quality Feeds presented the title to the Mitchel’s Capt Kayleigh McCarthy.

John Mitchel’s Team:  Andrea O’Connor, Patriz Brosnan,  Kayleigh McCarthy, Diana O’Keeffe, Ashleigh Murphy, Anna Murphy, Jane Carmody, Shaun’s Hannafin (0-1), Cliodhna Hayes (0-4), Tasha O’Sullivan (0-01), Niamh Myers (0-1), Carron O’Brien (0-3), Tara Fitzgerald. Subs Intro: Erris O’Carroll (0-2) & Arianne Finnegan. Unused Subs:  Claire O’Sullivan, Catherine O’Shea & Tanya O’Connor

John Mitchels Div3